I went to Sam's Club last night because I wanted to stock up on the bakery ingredients and something wonderful happened. Andrew and I had $70 worth of giftcards to Sams Club and my total amount was exactly $69.95...how perfect! It made my day considering you can buy nothing for less than $10.00 there and I had not even paid attention to the prices to plan that! I then rushed to the commissary, which already has narrow aisles AND it was pay day so it was PACKED! Note to self, never again on a pay day. I ran around the store, got what I needed, and headed out in less than 30 minutes. I did not know this before moving here but every commissary has people (usually giggly teenagers) who bag your groceries, load the bags on a heavy-duty sled-like cart and then take them to your car and unload them. They don't ask you if you want it, they just do it and it is slightly annoying because I feel compelled to tip the poor guy who is lugging my groceries (something that I am very capable of doing myself, regardless if I am living in Alaska and have to roll the cart across a frozen parking lot). However, yesterday my grocery lugger really earned his tip because I walked him up and down three aisles to find my car! It was dark, cold, and I couldn't remember where I had parked. I opened the trunk, handed him a dollar bill, hopped in the front seat, blasted the heat, and waited until my carriage was loaded...oh the perks of shopping at the commissary...treated like a princess, sort of.
Lastly, dinner was made by eight o'clock and my whoopie pie creations were baked by ten o'clock, and my delicious icing, was well, disgusting! I added way too much salt into the peanut butter icing and it was awful! Feeling a bit down considering I just wasted some very precious ingredients (a jar of peanut butter being one!), I packed up the pies in bags and decided to try out the traditional vanilla-marshmallow icing the next day. Well...I did and it turned out much better! I'll stick to the traditional whoopie pie icing for now. I am seriously considering putting two of them in my mailbox with a corny little note attached. I think my Santa-looking mailman would enjoy that gesture of Pennsylvania Dutch appreciation. I've got about one hour to think about that...
Have a great day everyone!
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